Update 1.3 (Core Bonus Overhaul)

We're coming up on a year(!) since Iridia's release, so I thought this would be a good time to go through and fix some things that have been building up since the last announcement. I'm very happy with how this leaves the project, so hopefully this will be the final necessary update.

Here's the changelog:

  • A few typo corrections and general rewordings on things that were a little confusing before (like Rank 1 of Ward Shaper).
  • There's been a major overhaul of all the Demonworks Core Bonuses. They just didn't compare favourably to the strength of the core book CBs, so most of them got axed for being too situational, and entirely new cores took their place (though the total did drop to 6 instead of 8). For the ones that did stay: 
    • Gift of Healing lets you heal an ally within range 3 instead of just adjacent.
    • Shimmering Barrier now also makes you immune to reactions for the rest of the turn.
    • Unity of Purpose gains a 1/scene Bolster as a free action.
  • Aphrodite's "Fate's Arrow" trait now correctly specifies hostile characters.
  • Hemera 3 has had some changes:
    • Emergency Shunt has been renamed Crisis Shroud (I forgot it was a result on the Overheat table!), and has recieved a buff to make it more competitive with the Mourning Cloak's Singularity Motivator.
    • Invert has had its heat cost increased to 2, and cannot be used on consecutive rounds. Being able to swap your defenses is strong, and this makes it less abusable.
  • Persephone's Coldstorm Charges have been reworked to play more into the heat aspect of the frame. (The terrain has moved over to the Castilla in the rework.)
  • Castilla has had some reworks:
    •  Molecular Disassembler has been reworked to better play into the traits of the frame from the prior update.
    • Devouring Blade has been reworked to give it a more unique identity - previously it was competing with the Tokugawa's Torch.
  • Broadcaster NPC:
    • Fade Out now also gains an accuracy bonus if an adjacent ally is targeted by a tech action.
    • Broadcast Tower's Lock On has been increased to range 10.
  • Archaeologist Template has been changed to Scavenger - while Archaeologist fit well with Iridia, genericizing the template helps make it fit better into a wider array of games. 
    • The only change in mechanics is Expanded Collection (now Experienced Tinkerer) is limited to one unit in a scene to avoid too many units with too much complexity.
  • IDENTITY Eidolon Layer has been completely revamped, due to not being particularly happy with how the previous version worked in practice.

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